Postdoctoral Research
- Exploring the effects of disease outbreaks on metapopulation connectivity, genetic diversity, and inbreeding-load in the San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica).
Dissertation Research
- Maintenance of a narrow hybrid zone between native and introduced red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) despite conspecificity and high dispersal capabilities
- Population genomics reveals distinct demographic histories among extant gray fox (Urocyon) lineages in North America
- Whole genome sequencing reveals recent and ongoing admixture between highly divergent gray fox (Urocyon) lineages
Ongoing Research Projects
- Demographic history of red foxes in North America
- Comparative morphology of red foxes along elevational gradients
Past Research Projects
- Occupancy, Habitat, and Abundance of the Sacramento Valley Red Fox
- A review of wildlife camera trapping trends across Africa